Monday 16 July 2012

News about news

Namaste All!
Right in the beginning of the year we, the mentors of grade 5, decided to instill news sense into the students. It is very appropriate age to instill the same in the kids. While our curriculum exposes them to chapters like government and civilizations, it was very important that they know and connect in a better way to the world.

We at our school have circle time where we discuss what we did the previous day and how we feel about whatever we did. It is a healthy discussion that promotes expression. During the same time, every day we encouraged students to find out what happens around the world and how we feel about it.

So why do we need to know about news or the least instill the same in such young kids? Reading news is a habit. We often find our elders at the home with a newspaper in hand and cup of tea in hand almost daily. Newspapers, channels, and websites displaying news are tiny windows to the world. As citizens of the world it is necessary for us to know more about the world we live in, think about it critically and do our bit wherever necessary.

This is a habit we need in our kids too. They might be initially we reluctant to read news on a daily basis. But as time passes by we believe that they will love being in touch with the world. We, here at SMIS, not just nurture leaders, but just leaders, leaders who know their surroundings, who can tell the right from the wrong.

It is compulsory for every student to bring a new piece each. Each time a student comes out with a news piece, we discuss the in the class to understand both the good and bad elements of it. Not only did it abridge the students with the world today, but the discussion that followed also gave them a heads up on what is ethically right and wrong done by the leaders or fellow human beings.

We, at SMIS, have seen a positive change in our kids. The parents of our students have shared that students at their homes put on news channel or talk to their elders or skim through newspapers every day to find out news. Their news sense has improved with time. This has also targeted in improving their language. As they read the newspapers and sites they language skills improve as well.

As an elder we need your participation too. You can encourage reading news. Explain the importance of being a global citizen. Discuss important issues of the world and ask your child to express their ideas about the news.

We aim at making reading news a regular habit. Making an individual aware of their surroundings, helping them become a better citizen for a better tomorrow is something that we target here. 

                                                                                                                          - Deepti Venugopal

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