Sunday 15 July 2012

Get your brain in gear !

A warm welcome to all of u! I am Saifuddin and it is time to tell you the most interesting topic that we learnt in the past week in our academics.  One beautiful morning Ma’am bought a bagful of porridge and asked us to feel the bag. After we felt it she asked us to guess which body organ is as soft as the porridge. We passed the bag a number of times amongst ourselves and came up with various answers. And we had guessed almost all the body organs that we knew of. We were later told by Ma’am that our brain is as soft as the porridge. We were surprised. Our brain is so soft that we can cut it with a table knife!! So this is how we got hooked ourselves to the basic part of the nervous system, THE BRAIN !

Hello friends I am Jenisha. Let me tell you the next activity that we did to know something more abour brain. After knowing that our brain is as soft as porridge, we were given a clay model of the brain and guess the weight of the brain. While most of us guessed it in grams, Sparsh made the closest guess. The weight of our brain is about 1 kg and 366 gms!! Did you know that the weight of the human brain is a total of 2 percent of the entire body?! Humans have the largest brain to body size!! 

Heyya Friends, this is Sagar. The next day we were given one full page of newspaper and a 4-inch chart paper and we were asked to fit the newspaper inside the perimeter of chart paper given. We all tried to fit the same in various ways. While some of us formed some neat origami, the others just crumbled it. By the end of the game, our mentor told us that the just like a crumbled paper has bumps and fissures the surface of our brain has bumps and fissures too. The brain actually would cover a very large area, but is in a compact/compressed form to fit in our skull, just as the newspaper is crumpeled to fit in the 4x4 chart paper. The more the bumps and fissures, the more intelligent wet are. 

Dear friends, I, Dhrit would like to tell you the next interesting way through which we learnt a bit more about brain. We were given two laptops and asked to find out the various parts of our brain. It was an interesting activity. We google-d a lot and found out that brain is divided into three main parts; the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brain stem.  Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and it weighs 85 percent of our brain.

Hello all , this is Diya. Let me tell you the how we learnt more about cerebrum. We were shown  videos through which we got many information about cerebrum . The scientific name of cerebrum is Telencephalon. It is the largest part of our brain. Cerebrum covers the 2/3rd mass of our brain. We learnt that the cerebral cortex is divided into four lobes; the frontal lobe, the temporal lobe, the parietal lobe and the occipital lobe. Now an interesting fact about the cerebral cortex; It contains 100 million nerve cells in every square inch!!

Namaste Readers, this is Pranil. I will now tell you how we learnt more about cerebrum. The Ma’am gave us a photocopy of paper puzzle of brain and its parts. We then had to fix the parts in the right place just like a jigsaw puzzle. After we fit the right part in the right place ,we had to label the lobes and color it in different colours. Then we had to stick it in the chart paper. We then learnt that the brain is divided in two hemispheres. The left and the right hemispheres .While the right brain controls the left parts of the body, the right part of the body is controlled by the left brain.

Namste guys!! I am Sparsh. Cerebrum is covered by grey tissues called cerebral cortex. Cerebrum is divided into left and right hemisphere and it is connected by corpus callosum. Let me tell you how the lobes control the functions of your brain. Each of these hemispheres is divided into four lobes. They are frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes. The functions of each lobe are as below: Frontal lobe controlles reasoning, planning, movement, speech and problem solving.Temporal lobe deals with auditory perception, memory and speech. Occipital lobe controls visual processing. Parietal lobe deals with recognition, perception, movement and recognition. We all are waiting in anticipation to learn more about the brain.
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