Sunday 15 July 2012

Let the CAT out of the bag !

Hello to all our Readers! This is Dhrit and the Fantabulous 5 is back again after an action-packed week at our school, SMIS. Last week was filled with a lot of action related to CAT. To refresh your memory, CAT at SMIS is Child Advisory Team, where the students of SMIS are selected and elected by our fellow students to govern the school. Last Saturday we had interviews for CAT. We had butterflies in our stomach before the interview. In the interview we were asked a few questions. To become a member of the CAT we had to crack the interviews.

Hey Readers, this is Pranil. We were all very nervous before the interview. While some of us were jumpy, the others got hungry as we were nervous. More than nervous I was excited. I couldn’t wait to face the panel to be interviewed. Before the interviews we were shown videos on tips on what we should do and what we shouldn’t do while in an interview. This gave us an idea on what mistakes we shouldn’t do while facing the panel and we were confident but yet nervous.

Hello to you who is reading our blog! This is Sagar and I would like to give you an insight on what happened inside the interview room. As Pranil said we were all much tensed. This was the first time we would be facing something like this. When I entered the interview room I was nervous but I dint show it. We were questioned by mentors who did not teach us.
Mentor: What post would you like to apply for?
Sagar: I am interested in applying for uniform supervisor and assembly manager.
Mentor: What do u promise if you get to campaign?
Sagar: I promise I will be regular and always be neatly dressed.
Mentor: And what will u do if you can’t come to school?
Sagar: I promise I will be regular to school and never miss it.
That was all they asked and surprisingly I did get tickets for the post I applied for. J

Hello all, its Sparsh here. Adding to what Sagar said, the interview was pretty tough for all of us. But most of us got all the posts that we wanted and we are happy for that. I got the nomination tickets for the post of president and arrival and departure leader. Dhrit got the tickets for President and assembly leader, Pranil got the tickets for the post of president and discipline leader. Saifuddin got the tickets for the Event Manager and Uniform Leader and Diya got the tickets for Discipline leader and Member for choir. Along with Diya, Jenisha too got the ticket for member of choir and uniform leader.  

Hello all. This is Saifuddin. So after we got the tickets it was time for Campaigning. J . To attract and convince the students for voting us we had to campaign the way we wanted to. We were allowed to do campaigning in any way so Dhrit and I made posters and took out print-outs of it to be stick on the glass walls of the school. We were very excited about it and we pasted it on Monday. But it soon came to our notice that print-outs were not allowed. Thought it was very disappointing to watch our efforts go waste, we removed it. But hurdles are a part of life. Without wasting any more time, we were back to creating new hand-made posters for the school.

Hey friends, this is Diya. After we were all done with making the posters, it was time for some real campaigning. We had to advertise ourselves to every class and ask for their precious votes. The campaigning had to stop 48 hours before the D-day and we had only three days to campaign. It was very exciting and challenging. But we had certain rules in the campaigning too. We couldn’t shout slogans and we had very limited time during the day to campaign ourselves. We could only propagate for ourselves during the break after we were done with our breakfast or lunch. Though we had fun, we had a tough time campaigning. But along with the fun, learnt some valuable lessons.

Namaste to all! It’s Jenisha here. Campaigning was the most exciting part of the elections. We saw various posters made by the students of grade 3 and 4 and it was great to get an authentic experience of elections. The first day of campaigns we saw some students offering votes for votes and remote-controlled cars and helicopters were being offered too. Later our mentors told us that this is not the right way to campaign and this is known as corruption. We had often come across the word corruption but this was the first time we actually experienced it. The next day we were told that any student found offering anything for votes except good values will be disqualified for standing in elections. Though nobody from grade 5 was spotted offering any such thing, we learnt a very valuable lesson.

We, as grade 5 students are desperately waiting for the D-day when we will be voting and get voted. We have our fingers crossed for the best!! J

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