Saturday 7 July 2012

Bell the CAT !

Hello friends  !! Dhrit here ! :) The fantabulous five are back !
 The new trend at  SMIS school is CAT i.e Children Advisory Team i.e a team of students who will lead the school. Now a days we are preparing for CAT elections where we have to apply for various posts in the team. We would first apply and then we would be interviewed and then we would then propagate oursleves and then we would be elected for the various posts. Students from grade 3,4,5 will be chosen as the leaders for the school. I feel great that we have been given a chance to show our skills and talents and I am looking forward to the elections.

Hey there its Sparsh ;) here ! CAT is an election in which children are selected and elected for duties.  As Dhrit said we would first have to apply for various posts for which we would write an application letter to the members of the panel who will interview us. The application letter will tell about us and why we want to stand for the post and which qualities qualify us for the same. A panel of members will then interview  us and we will be given a nomination ticket for the election. We will then propagate ourselves to be elected as the school's leader. While grade 3 and 4 will be voted by the lower grades. The ministers elected  by the lower grades in the CAT will then elect us.

Hello Friends,
This is Pranil  :) and I want to talk to you about the Children Advisory Team. Let me introduce you the posts that we have in CAT.
 It is a  heirarchial system where the team will be leaded by the President who will be selected from GRADE 5 i.e from one of us. We then have the Vice President from Grade 4. There are numerous other posts like Assembly leader, Uniform Leader, Class Representatives, Arrival and Departure Leader, Discipline Leader, Class Represntative and Member of the Choir. The CAT elections will be reheld at the end of six months and all the leaders will be re-elected to give other students a chance.
I find this very exciting because I will be participating for the first time. I love elections and interviews and though I have applied for two other posts I would like to be the President of the school.

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