Saturday 7 July 2012

Let's not steal their childhood !

Hey there ! This is Saifuddin. In our class during the POI session we came across the topics of rights for the Indian citizen where we were taught child rights. We came to know about child labour. We learnt about child labour through many ways such as presentation, photos, discussions about child labour etc. We also interviewed  child labourers to know how hard they work and talked to the adults around us and asked their opinions about child labour. With the information that we got we made power point presentations and presented it in class. By this, we came to know child labour is employing a child  and making them work. We should stop child labour and it is bad and it creates problem for kids.

Hello friends, I am Sagar and I will talk about child rights. There are four important categories of rights that have been given to children by UNICEF. These rights are right to participation, right to development, right to survival and right to protection. Child labour is not given these rights  and people who employ child labourers should be punished. Child labour is a crime and people employing innocent children are criminals.

Hello there, this is Jenisha. To find out more about child labour and the issues, we took interviews  of children who worked all day long to earn money, who did not play or study and suffered a lot. We also took interviews of adults and found out that even the adults around us oppose child labour. I think the government should make more strict laws to punish people who employ child labourers.

Hi, I am Diya and adding to my friends I would say that child labour is a wide spread problem. In some families the parents do not work themselves and send their children to work  which is very  strenuous. This spoils the childhood of the young and innocent children. When I went to take the interviews, I came across a girl called Munni. She was just 8 years old. She balanced on the rope at Lakhota lake in my city. She was practising this since the age of 6. Her parents said that she goes to the school in the morning, practises in the afternoon and performs  in the evening. Parents should understand that at this age their children should be educated and not work. Child labour should be strictly banned in our country.

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